National Nurses Week, Wednesday May 6th – 12th, 2020
Healthcare workers are our heroes more than ever this year.
Lately I’m taking the advice of mental health professionals and I’m limiting my news consumption to about an hour a day. It just gets to be too much bad news all at once sometimes, you know? And when I am consuming the news, I’m looking for bright spots - and right now some of my favorite stories are of the heroism of the nurses, doctors, and support staff who are caring for the millions of people sick with the novel coronavirus in our country. So, today, May 6th, as we mark the beginning of Nurses Week 2020, please join me in a virtual shout-out to the nurses!
Thank you for all of the med passes and referral phone calls, bedside procedures, wound care, catheterizations, and CPR. Thank you for patiently listening to the naïve questions and unneeded advice from worried family members. Thank you for sacrificing your own health and wellness to care for others.
In my own household Nurses Week holds a special place because my husband, Sekou, is an LPN Nurse Supervisor at a skilled care facility in Lynnwood, WA, within 15 miles of the long-term care facility in Kirkland where the US coronavirus outbreak first began. Sekou is a really good nurse, and he works in a really good facility that has so far managed to escape an outbreak. But the work is still stressful because until we’re able to do wide-spread testing, whenever a new patient is admitted to a facility there is a chance they are an asymptomatic carrier. Sekou worries about getting sick and not being able to work, but he mostly worries about what he might introduce into our household. So far he hasn’t taken to stripping down at the front door as some medical professionals have done. Thank you, Sekou, for all of the care you provide your patients, and thanks to all the nurses out there - you are our true heroes!
- Alicia
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